Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Think Really Loud

I was probably four-years old the first time my mom asked me, "Did you say something, babe?"

I was sitting smack in the middle of the back seat of what I think was an over sized Oldsmobile sedan with my arms propped up on the seats in front of me when I realized that I might have been thinking out loud. It happens all the time and I used to wonder if I was just thinking really, really loudly. Now I'm pretty sure that my facial expressions are really to blame. I have no poker face.

I tried to name this blog ThinkingTooLoud but it was already taken. Dennis in Canada is not doing the theme justice. All the variants I tried were taken as well. So now I'm stuck with SarcasmScaresMe. But it's true, I don't always catch sarcastic jokes and when I do I just don't know how to react. I've tried sarcasm in an attempt to be funny and I just end up feeling negative and mean. (I think it's a pretty lazy attempt at humor anyway.) So while I'm terribly gullible I like to think of myself as having a "straightforward" sense of humor. Hey, it's all in the spin.

Why did I start a blog? Curiosity. I was reading a friend's blog and wondered why someone would go to all the trouble. So I googled. And now I'm curious.

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